Zinc sulfide crystals are an important inorganic compound with unique physical and chemical properties. So, what are the applications of zinc sulfide?

The field of optoelectronics

Zinc sulfide is commonly used in the manufacturing of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and phosphors. The unique luminescent performance of zinc sulfide makes it widely used in display technology, lighting, and labeling fields.

Solar cell field

Zinc sulfide can be used as a substitute for transparent conductive oxides (TCO) to improve the efficiency of solar cells.

optical material

Zinc sulfide has a high refractive index and good optical transparency, making it commonly used as a material for optical components such as windows, lenses, and filters. Zinc sulfide can also be used as an infrared window material because it has good transmission performance in the infrared band.

Electronic devices

Zinc sulfide can be used as a semiconductor material in the electronics industry to manufacture electronic devices such as photoresistors and photodiodes.

Coatings and pigments

Zinc sulfide can be used as a white pigment and filler, with excellent covering power and weather resistance, and is commonly used in industries such as coatings, paints, and inks.


Zinc sulfide can be used as a catalyst for certain chemical reactions, such as photocatalytic decomposition of water for hydrogen production.

Rubber and plastic industry

Zinc sulfide can be used as a filler and reinforcing agent for rubber and plastics, improving the hardness, wear resistance, and mechanical strength of materials.

metallurgical industry

In the metallurgical industry, zinc sulfide can be used to extract and refine metallic zinc, as well as as as an additive for smelting other metals.

Anti radiation materials

Zinc sulfide has good absorption properties for X-rays and gamma rays, making it suitable for manufacturing radiation resistant materials and protective clothing.