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Sodium iodide crystal

Product Description

    Thallium doped sodium iodide crystal (NaI:TI) is a scintillation crystal with excellent performance. This crystal is grown by adding appropriate concentration of activator thallium (Tl) to sodium iodide (NaI) as the base material, and its maximum luminescence wavelength is 415 nm, which can be well matched with the photocathode of common size photomultiplier tubes.

NaI:TI scintillator is a colorless and transparent crystal, which has basically no absorption of its own luminescence. Because of its high density, high effective atomic number, strong absorption ability and high energy resolution for X-rays and Γ-rays, it occupies an important position in radiation detection, and it is an important basic material in detection instruments for geology and mining, petroleum, coal, medical treatment, security inspection, industrial CT and environmental detection.

Product IntroductionSodium iodide crystal material data and transmittance curves

Pictures of sodium iodide crystal

Sodium iodide product specifications and product applications

Product Details

Crystal materials for sodium iodide crystal

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Introduction of NaI:TI

Introduction of NaI:TI

      NaI:TI is a traditional inorganic scintillation crystal with excellent performance and good resolution of both X-rays and Y-rays, and can detect the energy and degree of X and Y-rays. 

The luminous efficiency of NaI:TI crystals is the highest of all photomultiplier-coupled scintillation crystals and is usually defined as 100%, while the luminous efficiency of other scintillation crystals is expressed as a percentage of their luminous efficiency relative to NaI:TI.In addition to excellent luminescence, the crystal has high energy resolution, no self-absorption in the luminescence band, and it is easy to grow large-size crystals with low manufacturing cost, and large-size and shaped crystals can be obtained by hot forging process.

Pictures of sodium iodide crystal

     NaI:TI has been in use for more than 40 years since the early 1960s, and is widely used in petroleum geological exploration, nuclear medicine, high-energy physics, environmental monitoring, industrial CT, etc. During this time, it has not only not been replaced by new scintillation crystals, but also the demand has shown an overall upward trend over the years, and has always maintained its leading position in the production and usage of inorganic scintillation crystals.

NaI:TI single crystals are grown with NaI as the base material doped with appropriate concentrations of thallium, where the TI acts as the activating ion and becomes the luminescence center after absorbing the radiation energy. The crystal growth method is generally based on the Bridge-man method or the Czochralski technique.

Hot-forged NaI:TI crystals are formed by plastic deformation under certain temperature and pressure. Due to the continuous interaction and multiplication of dislocations, dislocation polygonalization and subgrain structure are formed, which improves the characteristics of the original single crystal that is easy to decouple along the surface, thus improving its resistance to temperature shock and mechanical vibration, while the scintillation properties are not affected.
In addition, the hot forging process makes it easier to produce crystals with complex geometries and large sizes, such as hexagons, rectangles, etc., as well as crystals longer than 200 mm.

NaI Properties

Physical Parameters

Sodium iodide crystal material properties

Water absorption

   At 0°C 100 ml of water can dissolve 158.7 g of sodium iodide, so the crystals are highly hygroscopic and susceptible to deliquescence. To avoid dampness, the crystals must be sealed in a metal box with an optical window for use.

The light output of NaI:Tl scintillator is a temperature-dependent parameter

    It reaches its maximum value at room temperature of 25°C and decreases as the temperature increases or decreases. In use, its light output will vary with ambient temperature conditions, as shown in Figure 1.

Relative light yield versus temperature curve

Figure 1  Light output curve of NaI:Tl crystal with temperature

Emission Spectrum

   The luminescence spectrum of NaI:Tl scintillator shows that the luminescence reaches a maximum at 415 nm. The luminescence wavelength is related to the amount of activator and shifts slightly towards the long wave direction as the content increases.

Luminous efficiency

The luminous efficiency refers to the ability of the scintillator to convert the absorbed nuclear radiation energy into light, a parameter in scintillation performance testing is the light output. the light output of NaI:Tl crystals is the highest among all conventional scintillation crystals coupled with photomultiplier tubes, so it is often done as 100%. The luminous efficiency of the remaining crystals are expressed as a percentage relative to the NaI:Tl crystal.

Energy Resolution

      The energy resolution of NaI:Tl crystals is generally between 7% and 10% (for Cesium-137). Energy resolution is a measure of the scintillator's ability to resolve energy and is expressed as a percentage, the smaller the value the higher the resolution. The crystal aspect ratio has different requirements for different applications. As the crystal aspect ratio increases, the energy resolution decreases. Energy resolution is related to crystal quality (transparency, uniformity), crystal size, crystal shape, package quality, and operating temperature.

Energy resolution curve of Nal:Tl crystal with temperature

Figure 2   Energy resolution curve of NaI:Tl crystal with temperature

Energy resolution of Nal:TI crystals at different nuclides

Table 1  Energy resolution of NaI:Tl crystals at different nuclides

NaI Product Introduction

Room temperature crystals

    For Cesium 137 radioactive sources, the crystal resolution is ≤ 8%, and screening is required if within 7% is required. Use temperature -40℃ - 80℃.

High Temperature Crystals

For cesium source, the crystal resolution is ≤ 8%. Since high temperature crystals are mostly used for oil logging, some of them have a relatively large length diameter, for these crystals, the general energy resolution is between 7% - 9%. Use temperature -60℃--175℃, can be ordered according to the demand of temperature resistant 200℃ crystal.

High temperature shock resistant crystals

Vibration index: 20g rms 30Hz~300Hz (random), 30g 50Hz~300Hz (sine), amplitude 7.5mm; Impact index: 500g/0.5ms half-sine impact, duration 6ms.

Flake crystals

Commonly used for low energy detection.

Well-shaped crystals

 Mostly used for medical device components

All-in-one probe

The crystal is directly coupled with the photomultiplier tube to improve the detection efficiency and can adapt to various usage environments.

Application Areas

 Oil exploration field  

        For many years, NaI:TI crystals have been widely used in the field of oil exploration, mainly because of their excellent luminescence and small temperature effect. In nuclear logging, the crystal detector works at a depth of about 4000 meters underground and has to withstand the high temperature of 150~C~200℃ and certain shock vibration, so the scintillation crystal is required to have a high luminescence efficiency and a small temperature effect.

Crystals for environmental monitoring 

       This field is mainly for the industry to monitor the production, life, work environment, field nuclear radiation. The crystals used are small in size and do not require high temperatures, but they require high scintillation performance and sealing.

Crystals for Nuclear Medicine 

Crystals for isotope therapy instruments: These crystals are smaller in size, but the processing is complicated (holes need to be punched in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the cylinder), and there are more scrap during processing, which requires higher processing equipment.

Crystals for industrial CT

Following the application of computed tomography (CT) technology in medical diagnosis, the development of industrial applications of CT technology has been remarkable.Compared with traditional methods such as ultrasound and radiography, industrial CT has fast detection rate, high resolution, and the measurement workpiece does not touch the measured part, and its work is not affected by the temperature, internal pressure or surface condition of the measured object, which can realize the non-damaging detection of the measured object.Industrial CT is moving into the fields of online real-time quality control of industrial production processes and online safety inspection of industrial equipment.For example: (1) Steel flow rate, thickness of steel plate and defect inspection in metallurgical industry. (2) Online and welding inspection of straight seam steel pipe, boiler welded pipe and spiral steel pipe. (3) Online inspection of automobile and motorcycle wheels and various parts. (4)Online inspection of tobacco industry strips. (5) pressure vessel online inspection. (6) rubber industry aircraft, automotive tires online inspection, etc. The technology has been widely used in national defense, metallurgy, petrochemical, machinery manufacturing, rubber and plastic industries.

Nuclear Physics

       For a long time, detectors needed in nuclear physics research have mainly used NaI:TI.

Performance characteristics.

    1. Because of the smaller temperature effect of NaI:TI crystals, the application in the field of oil exploration will continue to grow as the demand for extraction increases, and large size, high temperature resistance and shock vibration resistance are the development directions of NaI:TI scintillation crystals.  

2.NaI:TI crystals will continue to grow in this field due to their high energy resolution and relatively low production cost.

3.Nal:TI will continue to be used in the field of nuclear medicine, especially for Y-camera crystals, because of the ease of obtaining high-quality, large-size crystals.




Schematic diagrams of crystals, lattices, and cells



Schematic diagram of each crystal system


    晶面指数(indices of crystal face)是晶体的常数之一,是晶面在3个结晶轴上的截距系数的倒数比,当化为整数比后,所得出的3个整数称为该晶面的米勒指数(Miller index)。六方和三方晶系晶体当选取4个结晶轴时,一个晶面便有4个截距系数,由它们的倒数比所得出的4个整数则称为晶面的米勒—布拉维指数(Miller Bravais indices)。以上两种指数一般通称为晶面指数




    3.取这些截距数的倒数,例如 110,111,112等;


Schematic diagram of crystal surface




    由于晶体具有对称性,有对称性联系着的那些晶向可以方向不同,但它们的周期却相同,因而是等效的,这些等效晶向的全体可用尖括号< α β γ >来表示。对于立方系,晶向[100]、[010]、[001]及其相反晶向就可以用<100>表示,其它晶系不适用。






Schematic diagram of crystal surface

Crystal Growth Workshop

Pictures of sodium iodide crystal growth workshop

Pictures of sodium iodide crystal growth workshop

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